Email Distributing of Donation letters and Sponsorship Proposals

$0.80 ea email to a potential donor and $1.50 ea email to a potential sponsor.  Other outgoing email are 50 cents each.

Email Distributing 

Email distribution cost will be negotiated between the client and 1up Entertainment.

  • We will call each client to verify the correct email and to request a contact name
  • We will complete a call-tracking sheet detailing the time of call and the correspondence
  • We will send a brief generalization of the document, which is being forwarded, and a description of the client’s organization and objectives
  • We will have the client to open a free email account at and the client will allow us to send out an email using their organizations name


  • The account will be set up for both 1up entertainment and the client to review all in and outgoing messages on this account

The account will be closed once the event or job is final

Email Setup Sites